COVID-19 Cases by Race and Class in Los Angeles

Select an Indicator:

Communities with a HIGHER % of x residents have X times as many cases as communities with a LOWER % of x residents.

Communities with a HIGHER % of residents under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level have X times as many cases as communities with a LOWER % of residents in poverty.

Communities with a HIGHER Rate have X times as many cases as communities with a LOWER rate of .

Communities with a HIGHER level of have X times as many cases as communities with a LOWER level of .

Select a place:
Pop: 68,254
About this Community:
Poverty  (200% FPL)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Asthma Hospitalizations
PM 2.5 Estimate

total cases in LA County
per 100k

Cases by City and Community
Total Cases:
Cases by City and Community Poverty
Cases by City and Community Poverty
Cases by City and Community Race
Cases by City and Community Asthma



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A column in your file should match values with a Healthy City field.

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[ sample1, sample2... ]